Do You Want Any Celengan, People?


How u doin’? Hope it’s good 😉

How’s ur account? Is it good either? 😉

Today in the morning, from the radio I heard about BCA issue. Some customers have reported to BCA it self about their “mysteriously missing” money. Yup, some customers lost their money from their own account. But, this “mysterious” case absolutely has nothing to do with something magic, or Dukun or Voodoo hehehey.

When announcer from my favourite radio announced about this thing, I suddenly think about my mom and dad. They have an account on BCA, and I’m not. Few minutes later the announcer said that it’s happened to customer who was gone to Bali these past few days. In other word the crime occurs through ATM-ATM is located in Bali. I feel a bit relieve. But hey, we have to stay awake from any possibility, right?! According to the BCA, recording the PIN may have occurred. Person or Syndicate who are doing this might an international syndicate, and we have to be careful because they could have done the action outside Bali region.

About BCA, I found this from Mbah Wiki:

Bank Central Asia is a biggest private Bank in Indonesia, founded on August 10, 1955 as Bank Central Asia NV . The Founder is Sudono Salim. The Asian monetary crisis in 1997 had a tremendous impact on Indonesia’s entire banking system. In particular, it affected BCA’s cash flow and even threatened its survival. Panic rush forced the bank to seek assistance from the Indonesian government. The Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency took over control of the bank in 1998.

Thanks to its management’s business sagacity and shrewd decision making, full recovery was accomplished later in the same year. In December 1998, third-party funds were back at the pre-crisis level. BCA’s assets stood at Rp 67.93 trillion, as opposed to Rp 53.36 trillion in December 1997. Public confidence in BCA was fully restored, and BCA was released by IBRA to BI in 2000.

Well, I’m sure lot of people think that BCA is a very credible Bank. But folks, criminal always trying to find a way to ruin everything. Nothing perfect theory is always valid, people (The only impossible thing is the impossible it self). Any of you interested to save your money in Celengan? Hihihi. I did that. I have a Celengan since about a few weeks ago. When I bought it, I just thought I wanna try saving my coin, or selembar seribu or selembar duaribuan. I think i’ts gonna be fun, in the end when my Celengan is full I’m gonna open it and find “a treasure” . Hihihihi. Honestly, it’s also inspired by Koin Untuk Prita. Hehehehe.

So, Celengan, anyone? :p



Note: Few days ago when Mba Tiara (my colleague) gone to Aceh, I asked her to buy “an Aceh Shirt” for me which is gonna add my collection :p I’m showing it here! Thank you Mba Tiara! ^_^

Kaos Aceh - Depan

Kaos Aceh - Belakang

Ekspresi Banggaku Jadi Seorang Indonesia

Belakangan ini aku lagi suka sekali mengkoleksi kaos-kaos bertuliskan daerah-daerah di Indonesia. Aku punya beberapa. Ada yang beli sendiri, ada juga yang oleh-oleh.  Ini salah satu caraku menunjukkan aku bangga menjadi orang Indonesia. Meski kecintaanku kepada Indonesia benar-benar tidak bisa diukur hanya dari kaos-kaos ini.



Bali juga


Kalimantan Timur


Berastagi, Medan

Dan tentu saja karena saya tinggal di Ibukota tercinta, maka saya harus punya yang ini


Seperti yang aku bilang tadi. Kebanggaan dan kecintaanku terhadap Indonesia lebih dari keberadaan kaos-kaos itu. Dengan memakai kaos seperti itu, hanya sebagai salah satu ekspresiku akan cintaku terhadap Indonesia. Kamu pasti punya cara sendiri. Iya kan?! 😉

Ps: Kalau mau kasih aku oleh-oleh waktu kamu habis keluar kota, kaos seperti ini akan aku terima dengan sangat senangggg sekaliii :p Hihihihi.